Our Services


Proposal & Grant Writing

Donor Relations & Stewardship

Planned Giving

Science Writing

Academic Editing

Speech Writing & Articles

Fundraising & Revenue Generation Plamning



Proposal & grant writing

Whether you're writing proposals to individuals, foundations, corporations, or the government, identifying and writing grants is an important aspect of any fundraising shop. Our professionals will work with you to to identify the most suitable grants to apply for, develop high quality proposals, create a reporting schedule, and work effectively within your deadlines.

PLanned giving

We’ll help you provide your donors with the opportunity to make a long lasting gift to your organization through a legacy or planned gift and recognize those donors for their foresight.

Academic Editing

We provide professional editing services to help our higher education clients.  Through copy editing, stylistic editing, and writing assistance, our editors are will improve the quality of your journal article, research grant proposal, or dissertation.  We will make sure it is accurate enough to satisfy a peer review, clear enough for a lay person to follow, and interesting enough to hold the attention of all your readers. 

Fundraising & REvenue Generation PLanning

In consultation with you and your staff, we will create a comprehensive and integrated plan for your organization. We will help you craft clear yet ambitious goals, develop the strategy, tactics, and actions needed to achieve those goals, and outline an evaluation plan to make sure your organization stays on track.


Donor relations & stewardship

Building long-term engagement and investment among your donors is critical for any organization. A comprehensive and well-executed stewardship plan benefits both the donor and your organization. We follow best practices combined with a lot of creativity to advance your stewardship and donor recognition program. We can create and help you execute a plan to ensure that your donors have high-quality interactions with your organization.  

Science Writing

We can help communicate about a scientific subject matter, often in a non-technical manner, for an audience of non-scientists.


You need the right words to effectively convey your message. Whether you have a speaking engagement at an upcoming conference or you’re introducing a major change within your organization, we’ll help you convey the right message to resonate with your audience.


Looking to reach a larger audience for your ideas and influence what people are thinking, saying, and doing? Write an op-ed. Together, we’ll craft a powerful powerful and persuasive statement that will bring your POV to life and provide readers with your clearly expressed opinion